There are iconic products of our region, and one of them is the Ajo Morado de Pedroñeras. This garlic has a strong smell and a spicy, stimulating taste. This is particularly notable when a tooth is cut and used in numerous local recipes. The production area comprises localities belonging to the natural districts of La Mancha, Mancha, Mancha Alta, Mancha Baja, Manchuela and Centro, all in the provinces of Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca and Toledo, in the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha.
Other information
Garlic is by nature a biennial herbaceous plant which, when grown for its bulbs, has become an annual, commercially speaking. The garlic is sown from early December to mid-January When the soil is ready, with the planting line marked out and the seed shelled and disinfected, planting can begin. The harvesting begins at the end of June and is finished by the end of July. It only rarely carries on until the first days of August.

Garlic from Las Pedroñeras is a healthy food as a source of vitamin B6, which contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and to homocysteine metabolism, i.e., it intervenes in cardiovascular risk factors.
Note that 100 g of garlic provides 0.9 mg of vitamin B6.
We recommend eating garlic as an essential condiment as it provides certain vitamins and minerals.